The history of Colaba dates as far back as 1750, when the Hospice of the Augastinian Fathers was a rest house for the missionaries proceeding to Bengal, Madras and Daman. Since 1823, the Chapel was affiliated to the Gloria Church in Byculla and was appropriated by the Portuguese officials when the Religious Orders were suppressed in 1835. In 1886 when the diocese of Daman was created this house at Colaba became the de facto residence of the Bishop of Daman in Bombay. In 1900 the entire house and the chapel was rebuilt and today the same edifice along with an adjacent new building houses the Blessed Sacrament community at Colaba.
The Colaba Community of the SSS has started in 1964 with the invitation extended by the late Valerian Cardinal Gracias, the then Archbishop of Bombay, as he prepared for the 38th Eucharistic Congress to be held in the city that year. At that time the Indian Government was prepared to allow a resident visa to only Australians or Americans; since the American Province had already recently invested in the Philippines, it fell on the Australians to respond to the invitation of the Cardinal.